I started Train4Birth to support women emotionally, physically, and financially.
The prenatal course + coaching is a third of the cost of traditional women’s health physical therapy. It was really important to me to give pregnant women a break financially. While still being able to have access to high-quality prenatal education and support. The costs related to having a baby, maternity leave, etc. can be stressful enough.
It was also important to me to be able to create something that could contribute to the greater good. The better the condition of the world, and the more humanitarian and environmental catastrophes that are met with energetic determination to reverse or heal or prevent; the better parents we become. We have to actively engage in the world. We have to deposit goodness into it if we want our children to grow up with hope, safety, and their basic needs met. This is why, from the start, I committed to donating 5% of all Train4Birth’s income to a nonprofit organization that supported women, children, and/or the environment. When it came down to it, donating anything less than 10% didn’t feel like enough. So, we ended up actually giving more than planned.
The task was to find the perfect place to give. Many philanthropists talk about how it’s harder to give money away than it is to make it. It takes time and energy to make sure your donations are going truly to the cause that’s solicited.
This past summer, two close friends (who know my literary taste well) both recommended the same book to me. It was Glennon Doyle’s book, Untamed. I put it high on my to-read list. I’ve learned that the ability to get do work on reading lists as a single working mom relies on access to audiobooks. Even though I’m not typically an auditory person, this is one way I’ve had to learn to adapt in motherhood. I would sneak in a chapter while driving to a patient's house. Or while putting away laundry. It felt like a time-steal. Glory for the ultimate multitasker!
I’ve realized that I love listening to books narrated in the author’s own voice. It adds depth to the narrative. In addition to Untamed, I’ve “read” Michelle Obama’s Becoming, and The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collin’s in this fashion.
It made me feel like I got an eight hour and twenty-two-minute interview into Glennon Doyle’s life. Her goals, emotions, practices, and degree of accountability. I got a semi-intimate awareness of her leadership style and organization. Because of this, I knew donating to TogatHer Rising was the right choice. It made it a peaceful decision.
Here are a few other reasons I was excited to donate to TogatHer Rising:
Their goal is to turn “collective heartbreak into effective action”. Globally, we have been thrust into a collective heartbreak state for at least the last year. Political tensions. Forest fires. Immigration issues. Healthcare crisis. Lost jobs. These have all shifted our sense of “normalcy”. I’ve often floundered with how to help. How do we make positive changes when there are so many safety considerations? So many unknowns? TogetHer Rising has started chipping away at the daunting amount of issues. In ways that are concrete and actionable and affect people directly.
To support women, children, and the environment. TogetHer Rising has raised money to support children aging out of foster care. They help them transition to independent living. They give support and teach practical skills preparedness. Legal representation is given to children separated from their families at the border. Refugees and the homeless are given support. Gift cards are given to ease families' financial stress. Funding is appropriated for young entrepreneurs. Prosthetics are given to a four-year-old. The list of amazing things goes on and on.
They work both domestically and internationally. It’s important to help everyone. Regardless of geographical borders. We are all citizens of the world.
They are accustomed to receiving small donations from thousands of people. They launch “Love Flash Mobs” where they raise millions of dollars in two days, for example.
Their average donation is somewhere around $17-$25 dollars. To me, this is amazing. It shows the power of democratic involvement. How a little bit of generosity can go such a long way. Their work is important to thousands of people, not just a handful of investors. It shows me that they are organized and experienced. I knew they could manage and utilize Train4Birth’s small donation in a meaningful way.
100% of what Together Rising receives from a donation goes directly to people in need. No donation dollars go toward operating costs (unless a donor specifically authorizes that use). Having worked in a nonprofit myself for two years, this is a huge benefit. So many nonprofits have to work so hard to stay financially afloat themselves. For most, it’s unrealistic to give 100% of their earnings toward their mission. Here’s a link about TogetHer Rising’s financial transparency and accountability.
It’s a women-run organization. I think it’s extremely important to support women of all backgrounds. Women have been underrepresented, undereducated, and underappreciated. They have been socially, legally, economically disadvantaged-despite all humankind’s potential. The only way to change that is to invest in one another.
Like I do, Glennon and her sister work closely together. It’s rare that you see two siblings working together (not to mention two sisters!) From my own experience, it's wonderful to work with someone who knows you... and you know them... inside and out. But who has a totally different set of skills to collaborate on projects. The fact Glennon and her sister have been working together for years, helps me build trust in their organization.
Their message is full of hope and positivity. Our world sometimes feels omnipresent with negative critique and fear-based language. Kind and hopeful language is always appreciated.
Visit TogatHer Rising's donation page to support them directly.
They also accept volunteer applications. You can also follow them @together.rising
Please let us know if you know about any other amazing organizations. We would love to learn about and support you in the future!
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